Welcome to this site

This site is for Radio Zend Amateur and 27 MC

I will introduce myself.

My name is Cees van Rooijen, I was born in Rotterdam on June 28, 1967. Around the year 1980 I came into contact with broadcasting on the 27 MHz. (CB-Band). After various experiments such as building antennas, etc, I became more and more enthusiastic and I became a registered listening amateur, opening a whole world for me. Due to being busy with my work I took a break in (1995) Around 2010 my blood began to long for broadcasting again and I picked up my hobby again and became a member of the RFDX Club I also have 2019 /2020 in March my N license and I decided to continue as a licensed radio amateur. As an antenna setup at this location, there is a VHF/UHF Diamond X-50 and Gainmaster I now work with a Yaesu FT-857, Yaesu FT-100, Wouxun 950 and the Kenwood 701 and various walkie-talkies And I am registered with the Telecom Agency under PD0CRF and registered with the antenna register (AT)

'73 Cees

Locator: JO21gw

ITU zone: 27

CQ zone: 14

Local time in Rotterdam: